Case Study on eCommerce
Client´s Requirements
- Complete redesign based on WordPress platform for ecommerce store at Sophie La Girafe
- User-friendliness and optimized speed were remarked as major priorities.
- Landing pages designed to convert while keeping very low load times.
Project Type
Sophie La Girafe - Renowned Baby Store
Our Role
Redesign eCommerce Website (WordPress, WooCommerce & Google Cloud)

Project Details
- Brand typography and design had to be respected internationally, so we provided support for the copywrights of the brand and branded products.
- Development of a tailored ecommerce platform, in conjuntion with WooCommerce and MercadoPago api´s make the core of the store stable and authorative while providing security with encryption between the user and the involved servers at all times.
- Google Cloud´s recurringly scheduled backups were automated daily.